Rajarsi Gurukul school

Sallaghari , Bhaktapur

About Us

Rajarshi Gurukul is committed to providing students with an optimal learning atmosphere in which they can discover and develop their particular potential. The national curriculum, developed by the Curriculum Development Center and delivered by the District Education Board of Nepal and IPC (International Primary Curriculum), London, has been meticulously enhanced by Rajarshi Gurukul. This curriculum has been modified to blend theoretical and practical knowledge while taking into account each student's aptitude and learning style. We use a kid-centered, highly tailored progressive learning style in which each child actively participates in their learning. Rather than focusing solely on academic performance, we aim to educate and develop the whole kid, taking into account the talents he or she will need in the future. Experiential learning, or learning via hands-on activities, is something we believe in.
